Saturday, July 21, 2012

Ok, ok I'm here!

I'm not going to lie, I keep thinking to myself "I really need to blog" and then I think about all of the things we have done and the pictures I need to upload and how long it takes and honestly, it makes me not want to update... That being said, I decided that I can blog and not have to rewind, I can start with where we are today. SOOOOO, I'm sorry, I am not really going to fill you in on whats happened since I last posted (just after Easter... OOPS!), but I am starting from now.

I am currently sitting on my couch, with coffee, watching Food Network, by myself. This NEVER happens. Craig AND Hailes are still in bed. I am "prepping" for a 5K that I need to leave for in about an hour!

If you're anything like me, that was a whole lot of "blah blah blah" =) I like to see PICTURES!

So, in true "Jamie" fashion, here's a PhOtO DuMp!!!!!

I set up the tripod and used the timer on my camera to TRY to capture a couple pics of me and my girl... I got ONE good one...

The rest looked something like this...

Here are a few from the 4th of July. I have the hardest time getting Hailey to look AND smile at me with my big camera... she loves the iPhone though.

Love thi pic of Meg


Hailey and Austin playing

Hailey loves sitting on her daddy's shoulders

This was supposed to be a family shot, but Hailey wasn't having it! At least we got one of us =)

Hailey loves her big cousin "Meggy"

Here are some pics of a recent visit at Grandpa and Grandma's house

Hailey and her cousins Austin and Kaitlyn. This was the best I could do getting all 3 of them together AND looking!

Hanging w/ Kaitlyn

She's just so pretty!

Brother and Sister!

Playing together


Ok, there you have it, I will just call those JULY pictures. It's still July and I will probably take more pictures, but for now, that's it!