Wednesday, September 29, 2010

37 Weeks = FULL TERM!

Here we are... 37 weeks, which means we are FULL TERM! Hailey could come out whenever she wants from this point on and be just fine living outside of me.

I am on pins and needles and ready to meet her but if she wants to cook for a couple more weeks, I am ok with that =) I still have a few things to do before she gets here!

Your pregnancy: 37 weeks

How your baby's growing:

Your baby is now considered "full term," even though your due date is three weeks away. If you go into labor now, his lungs will likely be mature enough to fully adjust to life outside the womb. (Some babies need a bit more time, though. So if you're planning to have a repeat c-section, for example, your practitioner will schedule it for no earlier than 39 weeks unless there's a medical reason to intervene earlier.)

Your baby weighs 6 1/3 pounds and measures a bit over 19 inches, head to heel (like a stalk of Swiss chard). Many babies have a full head of hair at birth, with locks from 1/2 inch to 1 1/2 inches long. But don't be surprised if your baby's hair isn't the same color as yours. Dark-haired couples are sometimes thrown for a loop when their children come out as blonds or redheads, and fair-haired couples have been surprised by Elvis look-alikes. And then, of course, some babies sport only peach fuzz.

How your life's changing:

Braxton Hicks contractions may be coming more frequently now and may last longer and be more uncomfortable. You might also notice an increase in vaginal discharge. If you see some "bloody show" (mucus tinged with a tiny amount of blood) in the toilet or in your undies, labor is probably a few days away — or less. (If you have heavier spotting or bleeding, call your caregiver immediately.) Also be sure to ask your caregiver about the results of your Group B strep culture. That way, if the result isn't yet on your chart when you get to the hospital or birth center, you'll be able to give the staff there a timely heads-up if you need antibiotics.

It may be harder than ever to get comfortable enough to sleep well at night. If you can, take it easy through the day — this may be your last chance to do so for quite a while. Keep monitoring your baby's movements, too, and let your caregiver know immediately if you notice a decrease. Though her quarters are getting cozy, she should still be as active as before.

I am noticing more discomfort... at night when I try to sleep mostly. Things are getting tight and they get even tighter when I lay down.

I have noticed a some BH contractions but really not many.

I had a doctor's appointment this morning and still have not progressed. Doesn't really matter. I could be dialted to 3 for weeks or not dialated at all and go into labor tomorrow. I guess it really doesn't matter if there is any "progress" or not.

I told the doctor that I am still working out about 4 days a week and he told me to keep it up until she "comes out" LOL He said that as long as I feel good, it's perfectly ok to keep up on my work outs =) That made me happy.

As I mentioned last week, I had my maternity photo shoot on Thursday. I don't have all of the pictures yet, but here's a little sneak peek...

I am not completely IN LOVE with any of the pics above, but I am pretty happy with them. I can't wait to see the rest. I hope there is at least one that I LOVE =) We did some cute poses with some "props" and I hope they turned out!


Julie said...

I LOVE the first picture of your bare belly, I wish you could see your face.

Leslie said...

YEAH for 37 weeks/Full terms!! I am very impressed with how you are still working out so much! You look fantastic in your pictures!