Tuesday, April 13, 2010

13 Weeks... and a bump!

I am officially 13 weeks tomorrow! This is huge for me because I am going with 13w3d as the end of my 1st trimester! In order to celebrate here's a pic of my "bump". It's not much but it's something =))

I have been waiting and waiting to get enough of a "bump" to post!

Your pregnancy: 13 weeks

How your baby's growing:

Fingerprints have formed on your baby's tiny fingertips, her veins and organs are clearly visible through her still-thin skin, and her body is starting to catch up with her head — which makes up just a third of her body size now. If you're having a girl, she now has more than 2 million eggs in her ovaries. Your baby is almost 3 inches long (the size of a medium shrimp) and weighs nearly an ounce.

How your life's changing:

This is the last week of your first trimester, and your risk of miscarriage is now much lower than earlier in pregnancy. Next week marks the beginning of your second trimester, a time of relative comfort for many women who see early pregnancy symptoms such as morning sickness and fatigue subside. More good news: Many couples also notice a distinct libido lift around this time. Birth is still months away, but your breasts may have already started making colostrum, the nutrient-rich fluid that feeds your baby for the first few days after birth, before your milk starts to flow.

Well… I don't know about the baby being the size of a "medium shrimp" LOL… my "What to Expect when you're Expecting" book says that the baby is about the size of a peach this week! I am going w/ that comparison!


Courtney said...

There's a BABY in there!! YAY!

Becca said...

Totally a peach.

Anonymous said...

Our #3 Grandbaby is growing fast even though your belly isn't too big yet but we know there's a HUGE chance that it will be! We can't wait to meet the little angel:) Love you!!