Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Craig's turning 31!

Craig is turning 31 this Saturday (November 8th to be exact!). This time last year I was running around like a chicken with my head cut off trying to plan a surprise party for his 30th! (actually I had it the weekend before so that he wouldn't suspect anything!) It's hard to believe it's already been a year.
This year I think we will keep it low key and probably go to dinner with family and maybe I will surprise him with a confetti cake =) His fave! I got him a couple of lttle surprises but we just got a GINORMOUS 52" TV and Direct "HD" to go with it so he says that was his gift.
I can't wait to celebrate with him! We better not be out too late... he is getting old =)
Check out the cute cake I got him last year...

Bday cake anyone??

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