Friday, December 12, 2008

Friday has finally arrived!

I soooooooooo live for Fridays! But you already knew that! It's finally here!!!!!
We have a Christmas party tonight. Our friends Brandon and Veronica are having some friends over for a little get together. I can't wait. I am making hot spinach-artichoke dip! I can't wait to see how it turns out. I have never made it before so we will see! Seems pretty easy... can't go wrong, right?
Saturday night we are having a few friends over to veg and have pizza. (Sounds kinda like last night but with friends haha).
Sunday I think I will stick with the recent tradition of doing nothing! I might try to get the last of my ChRiStMaS ShOpPiNg done!!!!! =) Hopefully my christmas cards get here today or tomorrow so I can get those sent out asap!

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